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Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.
Interest Rates and Annual Percentage Yields are current as of 3/7/25
For current rate information, call your local Minnwest Bank or 1-844-MINNWEST.

CD Specials RatesSEE DETAILS

Description Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Classic 7 Month CD Special $5,000 3.05% 3.07%
Classic 7 Month CD Special $25,000 3.75% 3.78%
Classic 19 Month CD Special $5,000 2.50%  2.50%
Classic 19 Month CD Special $25,000 3.40%  3.41%
Classic 25 Month CD Special $25,000 3.90% 3.90%

Digital CD Specials Rates - Online Exclusive* SEE DETAILS OPEN NOW

Description Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
6 Month Digital CD $1,000 3.05%  3.07%
12 Month Digital CD $1,000 3.40%  3.40%
30 Month Digital CD $1,000 3.40%  3.41%

* Minnwest Bank Digital CD Specials are not available to open in branch and are only available to open online.

An early withdrawal penalty may be assessed. A withdrawal will reduce earnings.

Minnwest Platinum Checking Rates1 SEE DETAILS OPEN NOW

Daily Balances Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
$0 - $2,500 $100 0.01% 0.01%
$2,500.01 - $25,000 $100 0.01% 0.01%
$25,000.01 - $50,000 $100 0.01% 0.01%
$50,000.01 and up $100 0.01% 0.01%

Digital Checking Rates - Online Exclusive*1SEE DETAILS OPEN NOW

Daily Balances Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Up to $10,0002 $100 0.50% 0.50%
$10,000.01 and up3 $100 0.05% 0.05%
Default Interest Rate $100 0.01% 0.01%

Investment Savings1SEE DETAILSOPEN NOW

Daily Balances Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Up to $50,000 $10,000 0.50% 0.50%
$50,000.01 – $100,000 $10,000 1.75% 1.76%
$100,000.01– $250,000 $10,000 2.00% 2.02%
$250,000.01– $500,000 $10,000 2.25% 2.27%
$500,000.01 and up $10,000 3.00% 3.04%

Money Max Savings Rates1SEE DETAILSOPEN NOW

Daily Balances Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Up to $25,000 $10,000 0.30% 0.30%
$25,000.01 – $100,000 $10,000 0.30% 0.30%
$100,000.01 – $225,000 $10,000 0.50% 0.50%
$225,000.01 – $500,000 $10,000 1.00% 1.00%
$500,000.01 and up $10,000 1.50% 1.51%

Health Savings Account Rates1SEE DETAILS

Daily Balances Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Up to $1,000 $100 0.05% 0.05%
$1,000.01 – $2,500 $100 0.05% 0.05%
$2,500.01 – $10,000 $100 0.05% 0.05%
$10,000.01 – $30,000 $100 0.05% 0.05%
$30,000.01 and up $100 0.20% 0.20%

Personal Savings Account Rates1

Account Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Thrift Savings $50 0.05% 0.05%

Classic Business Savings Rates1SEE DETAILS

Daily Balances Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Up to $300 0.00% 0.00%
$300.01 and up 0.30% 0.30%

Platinum Business Savings Rates1SEE DETAILS

Daily Balances Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Up to $10,000 0.00% 0.00%
$10,000.01 – $100,000 0.40% 0.40%
$100,000.01 – $500,000 0.60% 0.60%
$500,000.01 – $1,000,000 1.85% 1.87%
$1,000,000.01 and up 2.25% 2.27%

Nonprofit Checking Rates1SEE DETAILS

Daily Balances Interest Rate Annual Percent Yield
Up to $150,000 0.10% 0.10%
$150,000.01 - $500,000 0.25% 0.25%
$500,000.01 and up 0.35% 0.35%