Chuck Vasgaard
Insurance Agent
Chuck began working at First National Bank of Lake Wilson managing an insurance agency in 1997. He helped start the agency in Slayton and Tracy, spending a lot of time training staff and is the only employee still here from the original MINVAL Agency, now Minnwest Insurance. When small towns were having issues with buying liability insurance, The League of MN Cities formed an insurance trust and Chuck helped insure the City of Lake Wilson. He has a true passion for building relationships within the communities.
Chuck currently resides north of Lake Wilson and over the years has raised sheep, goats, chickens, and horses. He recently celebrated 50 years of marriage and has two sons. His passions include participating as the church treasurer at the Lutheran Church and teaching Sunday school, confirmation, and adult bible study at the churches he belongs to.
Contact Chuck at chuckv@minnwestbankgroup.com or 507-879-3344.