When unemployment is low, it can be a huge struggle for a small firm to attract top talent. Especially when much bigger companies with deep pockets are dangling shiny perks, like free lunches and signing bonuses. Before resigning yourself to ongoing openings (and overtime pay for those who are still around), perhaps it’s time to adjust the recruitment strategy to make yourself more visible to potential employees.
Build a better workplace. Now’s a good time to evaluate the overall working environment and company culture. What are the things your ideal employee cares about? Consider some perks and benefits you can add to the pot, like work-from-home days, early release days and reimbursements, to make your company more attractive. Hearing and making that extra effort to address employees’ ongoing concerns can make a big improvement — and increase the likelihood that good employees stay around.
Build the recruitment brand. One of the first things a semi-interested potential employee will look for is a social media page, so don’t overlook it as a tool to reach prospective employees. Be sure and make it easy to apply from there, with direct links to job applications.
Let employees play a role in recruiting. Recruiting is costly, especially if you have to widen the search. Don’t overlook employees as a resource. Any recruiter would tell you that an employee-referred candidate is a good bet, because that employee’s reputation is at stake. Advertise bonuses for those who pull in candidates-turned-successful-hires.
Talk about impact. Project a few years beyond the here-and-now of filling the vacancy. That is, consider what the opportunity looks like to the employee. Point out what ambitious, motivated employees can accomplish in your firm in the space of a few years. Just about every company has at least a few people who began at the entry level and climbed to the top. Share their photos and stories on social media or your blog.
Give a hand up. Some hard-to-fill jobs require credentials and certifications. One way to get ahead of the curve is to offer a mentorship or apprenticeship program to recent high school grads or even those looking to transition into new careers. A partial or total reimbursement for offsite coursework could make your company a very attractive place to work, because people could learn and support their families.
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